Linggo, Disyembre 8, 2013

Connection of Man with Nature

“Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ”
― Chief Seattle

Nature and Man are two different things. They were both created by God with different purposes. But, these things are connected in some way. Nature, this was created first than Man. Its purpose is to serve as the habitat of all the living organisms. Man or Human, that’s what we are. We were made by God for us to give glory to him. We were entitled as the ones who should take care of nature.

Everything in this world is connected to each other. Whatever we do to some things might have considerable consequences in return. Just like the connection of Man to Nature. We are the ones who are responsible of what happening in the world. The Depletion of Ozone Layer, Climate Change, Dirty Surroundings, these are one of the results of Man’s carelessness.

Whatever Things we do in Our Nature will have a great impact in our lives. That maybe the reason why there are so many catastrophes happening in the world. Maybe it’s time that many of you wake up and make a move.

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